Skincare Order; Most Effective Order to Unlock Your Skin Potential
girl applying skincare order on her face Have you recently invested in skin health products to improve the appearance and health of your skin? Simply applying these products haphazardly won't yield the best results. To maximize the benefits of your skincare regimen, it's vital to follow a proper routine. Using cosmetic products in the wrong order can impede their effectiveness. For instance, if you apply a thick cream before a runny serum, the cream may hinder the serum's complete absorption into your skin as described by Dr. Mitchel P. Goldman , a board-certified dermatologist and founder of Cosmetic Laser Dermatology. Adhering to the proper skincare order is crucial for ensuring that each product is fully absorbed. Let's explore the best skincare order that will leave you with glowing and radiant skin. Why the “Order”? Many certified dermatologists, such as Dr. Heather Rogers , suggest using skincare items in a practical order to get as much absorption into your...